Thursday, February 14, 2008

Seven (Weird) Things That I Love

Thanks to Thimbleanna for tagging me and putting an interesting spin on the "seven weird things about me blog meme."

In no specific order, I love these things:
  1. McDonald's sweet and sour sauce
  2. the smell of wintergreen Skoal (smokeless tobacco)
  3. fabric scraps
  4. wearing wool socks
  5. cumin
  6. my husband, in all his geeky glory
  7. grammar


  1. Thanks for the mention on your blog. You're so sweet to mention all of us. Love your shop. I have a terrible weakness for any kind of bag among my many other weaknesses.

  2. Hmmm, #2 is definitely weird. I'm with you on #1 -- it's my lunch of choice -- happy meal nuggest and s&s sauce! Great choices! Thanks for playing!

  3. Hey, thanks for the tag! I love your blog by the way, your bags are gorgeous! I will have to do my seven things post soon, I have enjoyed following the thread back and reading everyones!

  4. Thanks for the tag :) I just realized after posting to my blog that I did it wrong :( ah well. I'm leaving it up. Thanks again :)
